So, it has been a got rather busy for me. I had taken a part time job in the floral department of the grocery store where I used to work, and it was good. 2 days a week was fine with me. Then I was spotted by the owners and within the month was back in the bakery doing cakes. I was not all that happy with that, but it was still only 3-4 days a week. Then the other decorator quit, and I'm back to a full time job. Grrrrr. So my crafting time and motivation has been well and truly shot in the behind.
Anyway, while the corset has actually been done for a while, I have been procrastinating pictures due to the fact that it's rather involved to get on and off. So, without further ado, the Laughing Moon Silverado corset.
Pieces cut and the outside fabric and coutil basted together...and there is nothing better to make you feel fat than an un-sewed corset laid out on a table.
The pieces are all sewed together, and the busk and grommets inserted.
Finished and laced corset (and yes, I actually made bias binding because all Joann's had was crappy dull poly-cotton binding)
And here is the finished project as worn.
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